Can a Black man live in a white house?
If I've said it once, I've said it over and over again. You can't talk to everyone about politics. However, if you are involved or considering a serious relationship with someone you damn well better know where they stand on important issues before you take the big step.
You really didn't think that I'd let this "history-in-the-making" election year go by without comment did you? What better topic for an interracial dating site than that for the first time in history we have a race between a black man and a white woman for the highest position held in America. What a shame that we are constantly being reminded of that fact...this article included.
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It really does speak to how far we've come and that we still have a long way to go in this race thang. I hope that by the time November rolls around we will have someone in office that has defied the odds and will make "their" people proud. I must confess that this past election year has sparked some dormant feelings in my household. It's raised all kinds of questions and debate about politics in general to overall ethics and opinion that had never really been touched upon.
It makes a lot of sense why some people don't want to talk about politics. It really is a great indicator of a person's views and knowledge. However, when it comes to dating and finding that special someone to spend your life with, how important is having this discussion?
Well, it's only important if you both have very strong opinions that differ. It would be a good thing to know how the other person felt about abortion in the event that there was some unforeseen pregnancy. The question..."Do you want children"? Is a pretty standard dating question, but, who ever asks the question about how will we educate our children? How much control do you believe the government should have? Wouldn't you like to know if your love interest was totally against same sex marriage, prior to the invitation coming in the mail, from your gay brother?
I'll step out on a limb here and stay that a great deal of American's don't know or understand how our government works. In all fairness, it really is not as simple as they made it seem in my 8th grade civics class. It's easy to get caught up in a conversation about the issues, but how often do we really discuss the process?
I think that dating and voting are very similar. The worse your experience the less likely you are to want to do it again. You know you should, but you're a little jaded. They both offer a great opportunity to be educated. When was the last time you learned something new about your country or yourself? Looks like we've got a great chance to do both in 2008. Pick up the phone and make a date to go vote this year. It doesn't matter who you vote for as long as the why has more to do with what they believe and less to do with them making history based on their appearance.
91 responses to "Can a Black man live in a white house?"
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Jade74 says:Posted: 06 Oct 08
Yes,Barrack Obama can live in the White House.He is qualify to live and work for "We the People".
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cocoadream says:Posted: 23 May 08
Of COURSE a black man can live in the White House, but God (any one you happen to pray to) help us ALL if it is THIS ONE. He has been caught in so many lies by now that most of what he does when addressing the public is back paddle and try to get his foot out of his mouth. He STILL hasn't really said ANYTHING of substance, just hints at some change of some sort. And disarming our country, leaving it completely defenseless, (yes, I saw and heard the words coming from his mouth, no other) makes me wonder what his idea of change could be. Especially with his background and current influences.
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Glock says:Posted: 16 May 08
Because it depends of what type of constitution (if any) that particular country has! It doesn't matter what type of constitution the United States has, France can elect anyone it wants depending on what laws or constitution they have.
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RistoSpain says:Posted: 14 May 08
Please i think that this tread is due for removal. If Sarkozy of FRANCE who originally came from HUNGARY should be elec ted as President of FRANCE why can´t SENATOR OBAMA whom is American can´t be elected to the WHITE house. I don´t want to go further.
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Nanawei says:Posted: 13 May 08
Obama Barack, i you tell what 70 percent of Nigerians want yours victory to be in the white 2008.
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Nanawei says:Posted: 13 May 08
I am from Nigeria, and i have been praying and fasting for Barack Obama,who will be the next president of USA, the Almight God has devine him to be there.i and john kerry is my friend on internet.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 01 May 08
George Bush is sat in the oval office one morning, reviewing the Iraq situation with his generals. The door opens, an aide walks in...."Bad news Im afraid ,Mr President...we have just had word that 3 Brazilian soldiers have been killed in Iraq" President Bush drops to his knees and puts his face in his hands...and starts sobbing with grief....absolutely inconsolable...the President seems to have taken the news incredibly badly......All the assembled generals can hear from the president is a mumbled "oh my god ...oh my god...." Eventually, Bush looks up to Dick Cheney through teary eyes from where he is kneeling and asks....."Exactly how many is a brazillion,Dick?"
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mshasan says:Posted: 30 Apr 08
A Black man can live where ever he damn well pleases. Obama is a breath of fresh air for America! It's time for CHANGE.
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sxybrwnsuga says:Posted: 30 Apr 08
Sorry people but Obama classifies himself as a black man regardless of his biracial makeup so yes he will be the first "BLACK PRESIDENT" if elected.
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Akbar says:Posted: 30 Apr 08
Yes, he has an african father and a caucasian mother, but in America that classifies him as black. In America one drop of black blood makes you black. that is the way they classify it and the way they treat you. No matter what he would call himself. He sees himself as an Afircan-American. The Church he chose to attend clearly shows that he thanks of himself as African-American. We all would like to live in a color blind society, but unfortunately we are no there yet. Mr. Obama who is the most quailified black person to run for the Presidency of the United States will not be elected because of race. Mrs. Clinton has used it against him, and Mr. McCain does not need to use it against him because Mrs. Clinton has made it an issue. Mr. Obama is a good politician by stating that it is not a problem. But looking at the way he is being treated it clearly is.
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blkbeauty31 says:Posted: 29 Apr 08
Im so glad to find this article! I hadnt seen it in a while and wanted to comment. Yes a black man can live in a white house. Of course you do know that the house becomes a "black house"...hahahaha. Support Barack Obama 08'
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arno says:Posted: 27 Apr 08
I think USA is not ready for that unfornutatly, even a woman i i thinik n iam scared to think Jhon Mac caine is goin to be the next one.......Oh my god, after 8years of George W Bush, Pooooooooor world!!!
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Sharon says:Posted: 26 Apr 08
I will paint my house white and he can come and live with me!!! LOL Southern smiles, Sharon
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djkofi says:Posted: 25 Apr 08
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Holdmyheart says:Posted: 24 Apr 08
I whole heartedly agree that people are not educated when it comes to politics. If you vote for a candidate based on their race or sex, isn't that pretty close to not voting for a candidate based on the same criteria? If you are going to vote, take your vote seriously and vote for the person who you think will do the best job for our country. Judge them not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their heart.
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TONY says:Posted: 24 Apr 08
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Linda254 says:Posted: 19 Apr 08
okkkkk lovely article interesting replies.I am kenyan , and so is Obama he is biracial bt according to most african customs you are who your father is .So if your dad is caucasian and mom black then guess what you are caucasian.Hope everybody gets it.Therefore, Obama is a blackman or . african ......not biracial why do i say this because his dad is kenyan , and those are the kenyan customs.Hehehe yes people Obama happens to be my homeboy (lol).Now is this country ready for an african american president i don't think so , not now anyway.Is it ready for a woman president yep i honestly believe so.
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ladyl44 says:Posted: 19 Apr 08
I totally agree. I think she said it best. No comment on this. I couldn't match it anyway. That was a great artical. Thank you very much.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 17 Apr 08
I am sure Bill woulda taken you into the White House Fala
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Fala says:Posted: 12 Apr 08
Can a mixed-race AR chatter live in the White House with a white boy? now that's the real question!
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SxyWhtTiger says:Posted: 10 Apr 08
anybody can live in white house but i'm not a Obama supporter but anything is possible though.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 08 Apr 08
I dont't know Fala, I think he should just paint it caramel or even hi yellow, to properly reflect himself.
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fkoi says:Posted: 07 Apr 08
Of course a Black man can live in the White House. Just ask Warren G. Harding. I have to admit that I never thought I would see the day when an admitted Black man was elected President. I was pretty sure that I would see a woman win first. After all, a quarter of a century ago, woman was on the ticket as Vice-Prez (the fact that Mondale/Ferraro received such a "beating" at the polls was only partially because a woman was on the ticket). Of course there is no guarantee that either Obama or Clinton will be changing their address to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue just yet. Racial and sexist backlash is still alive and well. On the other hand, if you vote for a candidate based on their race or sex, isn't that pretty close to not voting for a candidate based on the same criteria? If you are going to vote, take your vote seriously and vote for the person who you think will deliver a Presidency that most closely agrees with your own political and social views. This is not the first Presidential election which is degrading into a popularity contest. Wouldn't it be great if it were the last?
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girlsixdiva says:Posted: 07 Apr 08
All the ignorant comments on here are just to amazing...
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Glock says:Posted: 05 Apr 08
Blackmanluvchocolat, You should re-read my post then, because I addressed everyone of the "points" you attempted to make. I even went back and double checked my statement to make sure I addressed your points. You won't respond because you CAN'T! Either you have no idea what the hell you're talking about, or you didn't plan on anyone challenging your position. I called you out on it and you can't respond...bottom line. So, you come up with another dumb statement about taking child away from a baby...which makes absolutely NO SENSE in regards to this debate. Good thing water is cheap, go buy some for yourself to drink after this reply. Till then...waiting for your next dumb comment.
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mossimo36 says:Posted: 05 Apr 08
Its funny that in the US, Obama is considered black, but if I had a child with a woman in Africa, they would call it a white baby. I think we in the US have taken this one drop rule too far. Besides, I think many whites in the US have black ancestors and don't know it because light skin blacks would try to pass. Look at the Hemmings family.
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destiny says:Posted: 03 Apr 08
Well i don't see Obama as a black man.That's why the whites are voting for him.We need a real black president of USA
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blakmanluvchocolat says:Posted: 03 Apr 08
Ha hahahahah ha ha ha hahahahahaha Glock Glock Glock hahahahahahahahaha i laughed till my throat got dried needed water... Of all the comments i made to all the individuals on here the only thing you "ATTEMPTED" to hit me on was "you think i have hatred for white people"? and check out the oven baked humour! hahahaha, you're funny. I had to take a look at your picture hahahahaha, no but seriously i wouldn't respond to your attempts that would be like me trying to insult a child by giving him a candy and taking it back... but nice try though! bet you won't understand this either...
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dark1ande says:Posted: 01 Apr 08
Ursula he is Black. Most African Americans living in USA are mixed . He is no different . I claim my Blackness. I also claim my Europeaness. My Chineseness . I am a Black woman for all practical purposes. When are we going to see ourselves as whole people collectively ? Instead of man made labels and realize the human to human connection and our collective dna history? Just pondering .........unfortunately our racist social systems in place today force us to pick and chose who we want to be defined as.
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kenyanito says:Posted: 31 Mar 08
I am saddened by what NOPE wrote or am i the one who's got it wrong? Anybody can live in the white house
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Fala says:Posted: 27 Mar 08
Maybe if Obama makes it to the White House - he can paint it black and put an end to such silly questions! Just a thought . . .
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paula says:Posted: 26 Mar 08
look first of all i would like to reinerate something. Time mag. had put out an article saying that is Barrack Obama black enough. first of all i find it to be a stupid article. it's called institutionalized racism. anything to get people agitated . just like this statement "Can a black man live in a White House. really . in this baybalon .. NO! not in North America... ask. me why. i worked on Obama Campaign. yes he did get the state i am residing in but still. all remains to be seen.
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Jeff2555 says:Posted: 25 Mar 08
Yes, I think a black man can live in a White House. Bozo the clueless and his band of lost little frogs have done so for the last eight years, after all. Go Barak!
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Glock says:Posted: 25 Mar 08
Blackmanluvchocolat, I hope I spelled that right. Thank you for the entertaining post. Too bad I couldn't understand most of it, but let me respond to what I could decipher. Fact: Obama IS bi-racial. You say that if Obama is elected that he will have a "hard" time. What president do you know that has had a "easy" time in office?? As long as there has been democrats and republicans (and before that even) no president has ever had an "easy" time in office. Are you saying that since Obama is of mixed-race (oh that's right, you said he's black) that he should have an EASY time? Ok what does that username Glock tell you oh brilliant one? At least I could spell it correctly. And since you haven't "heard" Obama threaten anyones freedom or the constitution tells me how little you actually know about both. The constitution was written to restrict the federal government from infringing on out rights. The very fact that he stands for universal health care is an example of how he believes in taking away our freedom. The constitution does not authorize the government to take our money in order to give to others (redistribution of wealth). Yes I know that you and many others may argue the "need" to care for others from tax dollars but I am simply addressing your assertion that Obama isn't threatening anyones freedom. There is one example. As far as you calling anyone racist is laughable! A couple things, first if you are going to criticize anyone, then hit spellcheck or break out the dictionary first. Spelling at least a few words correctly will help people to take you "somewhat" seriously. Get your facts straight, be objective and get off your race horse!! Your comments to me, at least, indicate that you have genuine hatred for whites. I must say I had to read your post a couple times. Once to try to make out what words you were TRYING to type and the other to figure out what the heck it was that you were trying to SAY!! Good news for you, the New Black Panther party has their own website!
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whitemexican says:Posted: 24 Mar 08
I love all about Senator Obama,his feelings and his young presidential hopeful,his potencial, charisma. I can´t find the reason of why honest american people let Bush continue with his old strategies of violence and hate.
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Cocokisses says:Posted: 24 Mar 08
All I have to say is GO OBAMA GO! I may not be one that is voting for him, but I admire him all the same. Anyone who is intelligent enough to know that he can fix the things that Bush has done to this once great nation, well more power to them. Either way, if a Democrat wins, it will be history in the making. Too bad Obama and Hillary won't share the same would be the best of both worlds for me as a 'Crat!
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Yes Barack Obama can and will live in the White House.