Asian women, stereotypes and hate crimes
Does rape motivated by some racial ‘infatuation’ or 'fetish' qualify as a ‘hate crime’? When such a belief is used to sexually violate members of a particular race, isn’t it a ‘hate crime’? Below is a sad excerpt from a Huffington Post entry “Asian Woman: Rape and Hate Crimes” by Jaemin Kim. I couldn't have written it better so I figured, best thing is to let you have it just the way she put it.
In Spokane, Washington, two white men and a woman specifically hunted random Japanese women in an elaborately planned scheme to kidnap, rape, sodomize, torture and videotape them. Their motivation? According to police reports, the rapists had a sexual "fantasy" and "fixation" about young Japanese women, who they believed were "submissive." …
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During a one month period in Autumn 2000, the predators abducted five Japanese exchange students, ranging from age 18 to 20. Motivated by their sexual biases about Asian women, all three used both their bodies and objects to repeatedly rape - vaginally, anally and orally -- two of the young women over a seven hour ordeal.
…one of the attackers immediately confessed to searching only for Japanese women to torture and rape -- and eventually all pled guilty and were convicted. It clearly was a racially-motivated criminal case. The victims also believed they were attacked because of their race, the prosecutor told me.
What is astonishing, however, is that the district attorney failed to bring an additional charge that would have tagged the crimes as motivated by racial bias. The police also neglected to report the crime as a "hate crime," as demanded by the Justice Department to keep accurate statistics of all bias-driven crimes. Although the attackers all received long sentences, an important opportunity to raise the nation's consciousness was lost. We, as a society, were told that it's not a hate crime to rape an Asian woman because of her race.
In most states, as well as the federal justice system, crimes committed against a person because of the victim's race, ethnicity or national origin (as well as other protected classes) are considered "hate crimes" or "bias crimes." …
But in rapes and sexual assaults targeting Asian women, I can find no instance of prosecutors or police bringing "hate crime" charges. It seems our society frowns on the rape itself, but accepts the racial motivation behind it. Mainstream society simply is blind to this type of racism. Indeed, the Spokane police detective handling the case wrote in an email to me: "It was felt that there was no hate involved instead he [the lead rapist] was very infatuated with the Japanese race." (sic).
… In 2005, the LAPD arrested a serial rapist who explicitly only sought Asian-looking women, particularly Koreans, to rape, assault and rob. The man, who was not Asian, was charged with attacking seven women. But the violence extended to more: 13 known women were attacked, all Asian, and 11 of whom were of Korean descent. Police suspected more women were raped, but didn't come forward.
Nobody in the police department or District Attorneys office would speak to me about their inability to recognize the attacks as "hate crimes." A secretary in the press office, however, flat-out dismissed my queries by telling me the rapes were "not a hate crime." …
In California, a "hate crime" includes a criminal act, such as rape, committed in whole, or in part, because of the victim's actual or perceived race or ethnicity. The bias need not be the only motivation. Hateful words, or epithets, are not required. Then why is this clear case of a rapist targeting Korean women not prosecuted as a bias crime? Why weren't the Spokane rapes recognized for their racist motivation?
The Associated Press reported on Jan. 2, 2009 that a "hate crime" label indeed accompanied the arrest of four people for gang-raping a woman in the San Francisco Bay Area. In that case, the attackers taunted the woman for being a lesbian, and the woman was raped shortly after getting out of a car that bore a rainbow gay pride sticker. The authorities' branding of that rape as a "hate crime" stems from the attackers using epithets and slurs that showed their literal hatred against gays. This type of "proof" fits the widely-accepted model of "hate crime" evidence: a white gang spewing racist words as they run down a black person; or black attackers yelling anti-Jewish words as they beat a Hasidic person.
Why was the ‘hate crime’ categorization dropped in the cases of the Asian women who were sexually attacked? So... hate speech was not used in the rapes against the Asian women. So... the attackers claimed to have ‘attraction’ or ‘fetish’ for the victim’s Asian race. Does this make it any less of a ‘hate crime’?
Maybe all this comes as a result of how society thinks sexually stereotyping Asian women is 'cute'. Clearly, shrinking Asian women to mere sexual objects is dangerous. They have become targets of race-related sexual violence. And the greatest danger of all is that we as a society think it’s not a ‘hate crime’ to rape an Asian woman because she is an Asian woman – the submissive kind of woman.
I feel Jaemin Kim's regret when she concludes: “There is a disconnect: while authorities do not see the "fetish" as an excuse for the rape, they see it as an excuse from hate crime labeling. Like society at large, they fail to see that this is a form of racial discrimination.”
21 responses to "Asian women, stereotypes and hate crimes"
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Wonka says:Posted: 06 Mar 10
These guys have NO LIFE,how sad is that.It's obvious that those dips---s couldn't get a woman by way of intelligence,charm,and class so they had to do it the WRONG way.As far as I'm concerned they should be shunned and locked away perminently.All of you know,if these sadistic events were to happen to white women,their would be a public outcry,and we'd REALLY be up S---- Creek!!!.So sad!.
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Shotgun007 says:Posted: 03 Aug 09
I agree moonphoenix, I really didn't get the point of NubianGoddess' posted article. Commenting on the Blog Title, I think the author/editor should try finding more positive things to promote on this website. Shotgun007
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moonphoenix says:Posted: 28 Jul 09
The ONION article NubianGoddess posted is a "fake article" meant to be a satirical article that's meant to be ironic. It supposedly makes fun of fat, middle-aged, white men who fantasizes about young teenage asian girls, by creating a fictionalized story about what it would be like if the asian teenage girl is having white middle-aged male fetish instead. But I have to admit, I don't find it particularly funny, since I don't think it poked fun at white middle-aged men, as much as it contributes to fetishizing asian girls/women.
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fkoi says:Posted: 26 Jun 09
Some of the "hate crime" legislation is grandstanding on the part of politicians. Of course politicians grandstanding behind any legislation or anything else (Anybody Gov. Sanford's proclamations about Pres. Clinton?) is hardly front page news. However, there is a long history in this country of crimes not being prosecuted or punished or perpetrators being given a slap on the wrist when they involve those now protected by bias crime laws. Bias crimes fly in the face of everything the United States stands for, which one could say is ironic considering that the establishment of the US of A was solidified by a continuing series of what would now be bias crimes. Even so, that culture has to be smashed. There was nothing in the Constitution forbidding the rights of Blacks or women but the 13th and 19th Amendments were required to nationalize those rights (Just as the first 10 nationalize the Bill of Rights). As long as crimes are perpetrated in the name of bigotry that bigotry should be punished along with the crimes.
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LilRod says:Posted: 25 Mar 09
NubianGoddess, *shocked* oh wow now that Japanese chick in that article is str8 up asking for it.... (sighs)Ok wait-wait that has to be a article totally meaning to be pure comedy!.LOL Interesting but creepy as hell is all I got to say about that article.
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NubianGoddess says:Posted: 01 Mar 09
Asian Teen Has Sweaty Middle-Aged-Man Fetish January 30, 2009 | Issue 45•05 ( AOMORI, JAPAN—At first glance, 17-year-old Misaki Nakajima seems like any other shy and submissive Japanese schoolgirl. She loves shopping, text messaging, and the color pink. But beneath her wholesome exterior lies a wicked secret: Misaki Nakajima is consumed by sexual fantasies involving sweaty, middle-aged American men. The shy Japanese nymph enjoys fantasizing about fat fortysomethings with excessive neck and back hair. "I can't explain it," said Nakajima, dressed in a pleated miniskirt and pure white knee socks. "There's just something about American men who are at least twice my age and nearly three times my body weight that totally drives me wild." Added Nakajima, "They're so hot." Though she finds all pasty, middle-aged men intoxicating, Nakajima said balding Midwesterners who carry most of their weight in their stomach particularly turn her on. According to the sexually inquisitive teen, she often daydreams about sleeping with a 43-year-old divorcé with poor hygiene habits. "I like it when they dress up like middle managers," said Nakajima, twirling her girlish pigtails with one alabaster finger. "You know, with the sweat-stained dress shirts, and the office clipboards, and the khaki pants that are 2 inches too short." "God," Nakajima continued. "Those get me every time." The Japanese nymph then reportedly sighed, rolled over on her Hello Kitty bedsheets, and continued leafing through an old Rochester Big & Tall catalog. While she has always been curious about men who attended state college before she was born, Nakajima said she first discovered her fetish after stumbling upon a late-night airing of Uncle Buck on television—a moment the teen now describes as her "sexual awakening." "I was completely captivated by him," said Nakajima, referring to the obese, unemployed character played by John Candy. "He was so exotic-looking. It was like this whole new world of pleasure had just opened up for me." Over the next several months Nakajima—a virgin—explored her new obsession by cutting out pictures of American men from riding mower advertisements and heart-attack-prevention brochures. The barely legal teen also discovered satellite broadcasts of ESPN2 around this time, and often stayed up all night ogling professional bowlers and competitive dart players. Nakajima confessed to frequently searching the Internet to satisfy her insatiable appetite for round, greasy American men years past their sexual prime. A survey of her recent browsing history revealed such Google searches as "pale man lying on couch eating" and "retiree + jowls + hardcore." The teen has also bookmarked several sites with lurid pictures of aging American males, including and the History Channel chat room. According to psychologist Asuka Yasuhara of Tokyo University, Nakajima is not alone. "It's not uncommon for Asian girls to be fascinated with these types of men," said Dr. Yasuhara, who found in a recent survey that three out of 10 Japanese teenage girls list Paul Giamatti as the most attractive American celebrity. "And it's easy to see why. Sweaty, forty-something Caucasians represent the epitome of mystery and wonder to Asian teens." Added Yasuhara, "Plus, how can anyone resist those enormous, chafed thighs?" Drawn by her curiosity, Nakajima has scheduled a vacation to St. Louis for early March. The trip—which falls on her 18th birthday—reportedly coincides with the American Society of Actuaries' annual convention, a four-day event during which Nakajima hopes to be seduced by "the heavyset man of [her] dreams." Although she has long fantasized about traveling overseas and having a world of carnal delights revealed to her by an aging claims adjuster, the taut Japanese teen admitted that she is uncertain how she'll be received by American men. "I just hope they don't mind the fact that I'm completely shaven," Nakajima said. "Oh, who am I kidding? They'd probably never go for a naïve young sexual kitten like me."
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roosta says:Posted: 25 Feb 09
we tolerate so much crap in this country...cut their balls off...and make sure when they go to prison everyone knows what they've done..even-though they place them in a separate wing for protection now-a-days..there's no reason to rape or hit a woman...there's tons of prostitution everywhere...and gyms all over if you want to hit someone or something....women have to be extremely careful all the time...from date rape to's a constant sad case of affairs...hard to trust anyone....go out with your girlfriends and leave with them...all careful ladies....
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Soulmate2u says:Posted: 25 Feb 09
My heart also goes out to LadyMA. No one should ever be subjected to just ignoranve and violence. The information given by thegoodpenny was very informative and I think we all agree that the sentence for this brutality should carry the maximum. To me, it is an obvious 'hate crime' in the true defintion of the word. Now these poor women have a lifetime of self-healing to deal with because of racial and social stereotyping? As ironic as it may seem, and I certainly don't say this with any disrespect toward any of the poor victims, the real hatred here is deep within the souls of the perpetrators themselves...a sick, demented, self-hatred that cannot be understood by a sane mind.
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501venus says:Posted: 24 Feb 09
Asian women do have a stereotype of being submissive. Unfortunately, just as Black women have a stereotype of being wild and promiscuous, it is hard to erase. Why? Advertisements, movies, and especially music videos distort reality. When more intolerance and indignation is shown in how women are portrayed in sexy videos and movies, we may start seeing a change in how younger men view all women. Right now, there is more of an acceptance for exaggerated images to be perceived as normal. More young to now, middle age men are wearing looser clothing, while women that are younger, are wearing skimpier and skimpier clothing. Why? The image of what is acceptable for men is set up by men, the image of what is acceptable for women is promoted and encouraged by men. [The FBI defines a hate crime (a.k.a. bias crime) to be: "a criminal offense committed against a person, property or society which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin."... ...It is important to realize that crimes motivated by a hatred of a person's sexual orientation -- whether the victim is a heterosexual, bisexual or homosexual -- are already defined as hate crimes. However, federal laws only attach an extended sentence penalty to those hate crimes that are motivated by racism, sexism or xenophobia. Hate crimes based on gender, sexual orientation or disability do not result in extra sentences.] That is the problem. Sometimes, the hate crime is used to be able to increase the time spent that a perpetrator will get if charged with what would have been a lesser time. From what I surmise, it is not used in conjuction with other crimes to increase a criminal's sentence. So, if rape is a more serious offense than a hate crime, it will be prosecuted as rape even though the reasoning behind it was hate. What do I believe? I believe that rape is a violent action that is controlling, demoralizing and purposely intimidating. That in itself is why I think it already is a hate crime. Because it is a rage or anger towards a particular person or group. There has to be so much hate that the restrains of common civility are overruled. For one to be able to do such an action, is not lust as many think, it's more than that. To risk alienating a friend, or have a stranger think terribly of your actions towards them, means they have no consideration in their thought process. Hate can be because of someone's race, gender, religion, sexual orientation even age; or, a rage against anyone at anytime. Small children, older people, pregnant, straight and homosexual are raped. When these people forced these women into submission, it wasn't because they believed they were submissive. If they were, they would not have had to force them into the situation. They used that as a means or excuse to explain away their wanting to control others. Ironically, if someone attempted to do what they did to these women, they would have opposed it vehemently.
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xendau says:Posted: 23 Feb 09
HATE CRIME... Never understood the purpose of those words or bringing additional laws in that make those crimes any worse than another crime. My reasoning: Whenever someone commits a crime (especially a violent crime) against anyone, I am sure the last thing through their mind is how much they love and adore the other person. Rape is rape... murder is murder. No matter whom the act is perpetrated against. Is rape or murder SERIOUSLY or logically any worse if it is done by someone who may be a bigot, prejudicial or a racists? (Yes, there are differences.) By saying one is worse than the other you have essentially made the black on black rape victim "less important" than the white on black (or vice versa) rape victim. How would any woman here feel if she were raped the same night as another, but her story was pushed aside and maybe not as aggressively persued by LEO (Law Enforcement Agencies) because the other woman was raped by someone of another race? Then there is the whole idea of me and anyone else being prosecuted for things they "think" or "feel". While I do not advocate the hate, racism, and bigotry some embrace... I also feel it is those persons right to feel any way they damn well please. Whether I agree with it or not. Now of course this is with the thought that no physical harm come to anyone for they way they feel towards another group of people. Seriously... Its crazy... but Im sure they guy who just murdered someone wasnt doing it for love. Or the guy who gets revenge on his gunned downed brother isnt feeling cupids arrows. Hate, anger, and any number of emotions are probably flowing through a person when unspeakable acts are being committed. Cant see any of them close to "love" or "kindness". I think all too often we as Americans tend to want more crime for things we are emotional about and fail to see the unforseen circumstances. Sure it feels right to give the men who drug Mr Byrd down a Texas dirt road more time because they were "racists". But I PERSONALLY think it is more appropriate to punish for the crime committed and how severe it was. Not for WHY a person did it. There are some slippery slopes all too many of us are willing to jump on too quick without looking to future consequences. How long will it be before we are being ticketed for things thought or said after this type of mentality is followed? How long before you cant say or believe anything that isnt acceptable for fear of fined or imprisoned? I dont like or side with any neonazi movement, but if I am at out and kill a skinhead should I be brought up on a HATE CRIME because I maybe spoke out actively against their beliefs? From the article above... I dont see hate crime. I see 3 mentally derranged people who could have picked their victim based on any number of fantasy or fetishes. Instead of paying an "escort" or someone into S&M who was the ethnicity they desired, they went out and violated someone. All this could of been avoided had they just sought a willing participant... Can anyone say "internet"?
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NOPLAYER says:Posted: 23 Feb 09
Rape is a violent crime, it's a sick person trying to assert dominance over someone else. Rapist don't need feelings of hate to do what they do. A fettish, a deep infatuation or some pent up hatred for a woman of a particular ethnic group could be a movtivating factor but I don't see it as a hate crime.
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Glock says:Posted: 23 Feb 09
Thegoodpenny, I couldn't have said it any better. It is treating people different based on race or sexual orientation. Our constitution is required to provide "equal protection". "Hate crime" legislation is nothing more than politicians making a name for themselves. Does a murder vicitm care if the bullet came from someone of their "own" race or another? Does a rape victim feel any less "hated" after being raped by someone of their own race? Not only this, but what about the police and their own biases when reporting a "hate crime"? The police who take the report mark whether a crime is a "hate crime". If the officer has bias or racist feelings themselves they can report that it was a hate crime. Another problem, say you have 2 men who get into a fight, one white and one black. Say the white guy looses and says the black guy called him a name knowing that hate crime laws add additional time to a sentence. The black guy gets additional time to his sentence just for using a racial slur. Is that justice? Of course not. Needless to say there are many problems and potential problems with this type of "feel good" legislation. There are always unintended consequences whenever passing new laws. Don't we have enough laws already???
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pater2five90270 says:Posted: 23 Feb 09
Hate Crime is a political way of punishing certain people more. Murder and rape are crimes, but if you think that raping a _____ is worse than a ____, you are not paying attention. The right thing to do is to permit women, like any honest citizen, to carry firearms. That way a rape attempt would have a good chance of carrying the death penalty. It would cut down on recidivism. It would keep the thugs properly afraid, inducing better manners, and free the honest and polite to come to the rescue of anyone who needed help against a thug. It would cut down on the compensation of trial lawyers. Gun control laws only disarm the honest.
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thegoodpenny says:Posted: 22 Feb 09
The "HATE CRIME" bill is very much flawed and somewhat stupid. For example, if a White woman is raped by a White man and brutally tortured her pain is no less than that of a Black woman or an Asian who was raped by the same man and called racist names during the attack. (IT'S ALL HATE) Should the sentence be different merely because it's a same race rape. The man may not have called the white woman the "N" word but he may have called her worse. If a man gets into a bar fight with a guy and hits a man he is charged with a misdemeanor...yet if this guy he hit is gay and says he was called "faggot" or something then it ca be charged as a hate crime ad a 15yr sentence imposed. The whole idea of Asian women being thought of as submissive is antiquated and stupid. I have many Asian female friends and we've laughed about this. Even their mothers who may appear to a Westerner to be submissive and quiet in demeanor usually run the house and like all smart women only allow men to THINK they are in control. As I stated above The HATE CRIME bill is a bunch of crock that gay activists got passed to deter attacks against them. I don't think the legislators who pushed this even considered all the ramifications and problems with it. We need to strengthen our regular laws and start metering out equal justice, not give special preference due to someones race or sex. The sicko's who committed the henious acts against my Asian sisters deserve to get LIFE in prison because they ruined these womens lives. Base on this excerpt from the Supreme Court the Hate Bill sounds like a good thing. "That provision enhances the maximum penalty for an offense whenever the defendant "intentionally selects the person against whom the crime . . . is committed . . . because of the race, religion, color, disability, sexual orientation, national origin or ancestry of that person. . ." For simple assault and battery this may help. For a situation like the ones above of the Asian sisters why bother with the HATE CRIME charge when they've got KIDNAPPING, RAPE, TORTURE,and probaly attempted murder. I'd rather see the time and resources spent on trying to get the sicko's the death penalty or at the least life without parole and you can't enhance that. I think when we began to prosecute based on race we ourselves become racists in a sense. RAPE and TORTURE is the same for the victim regardless of what sick demented reason the perpetrator had in mind when he did it. Some men rape only blonds...should he get less of a sentence because he is white. On the surface this Hate Crime bill sounds good but it's really stupid. If it were an Asian gang that raped the women they could not be persecuted under the Hate Crime bill. I think Castration would be a more suitable penalty.....but America is not ready for that.
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oldsoul75 says:Posted: 22 Feb 09
Rape use to be a capital offense, hit them with as much as you can.I think it they target a seperate race, it should be consider a hate crime.Because they chose to cause harm to that race.Fetish has nothing to do with it.Seperate charges on each crime.Until you do this we are not all consider equal.
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twistoflemon says:Posted: 21 Feb 09
If the victims in this case where white or black and the perpertrators where the opposite race, this story would've been headline news. FOr the most part when many of us think of minorities we think of black and hispanic, we don't think of Asians because they're in smaller numbers. Which in no way excuses the behavior,in fact it says Asian women are fair game. It's an outrage that a person can actually state racism as a motivation for a crime and have it overlooked. And I believe the reason for that besides ignorance and laziness is that hate crimes look bad for the city and state. Officials would just rather pretend that things like this happen don't in their district. I can relate to these women and I feel they were victimized twice once by the criminal and again by the authorities. I hope that someday they will have the strength to speak out, loudly and continually to open eyes of the public and officials so that this kind of thing won't happen again.
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homesteader says:Posted: 21 Feb 09
Convicted Rapists in my opinion , should have a few days for appeals , a few days to pray and a Hemp rope to swing on / 13 turns . Then for the birds to eat their rotting flesh . To allow others to see what can happen . They even put Jesus on a cross for Public desplay for his crime of insurgant to the Royalty of the time , thousands of years ago and We all still debate over him .
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thegoodpenny says:Posted: 21 Feb 09
In some cases it is better to not go with the "hate crime" penalty because the prosecutor can get a stiffer longer sentence. Rememeber the case in W. Virginia about a year ago where the hillbilly family had been holding this black girl hostage and brutally raping and torturing her.(the mother, son, daughter etc.) The prosecutor chose not to go with the "hate crime" because that only carried a maxium penalty of 10yrs I think and is difficult to prove in a case where the victim knows the perpetrator.(in that case the victim had been out with one of the men previously, and was a bit mentally challenged). Though the above case is totally different, the prosecutor sometimes uses a strategy that he feels he/she will likely get a conviction, and a stiffer sentence. In the W. Va. case he went for life in prison snc there is no death penalty in that state.
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Dawnshyne says:Posted: 20 Feb 09
LadyMa, my heart goes out to you. No one should ever be violated, but I respectfully disagree with your reasoning that the reason people rape is because they believe we (black women) or asian women are whores. Yes there are a lot of sexual misconceptions that prevail with respect to both races; that I will in no way dispute. I have been approached with that BS more than once. What I will say is that I think the reason they don't bring the "hate or bias crime" designation forth is that they incorrectly believe that the only way to convey such hatred is by speaking it. They (law enforcement) have turned a blind eye to the fact that anything done with race, sexuality, creed or religion as a basis should be prosecuted as such. They are guilty of narrow mindedness. I also believe that there is more than a smidgen of "self" involved with this. After all if they prosecute someone who believes that Asian women are submissive and they themselves hold that belief then where does that leave them? So they hold the criminals to their own measuring stick instead of utilizing the one that has been provided by law.
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LadyMA says:Posted: 20 Feb 09
It is because...they (law enforcement) believe that all Asian women are whores. They always expect the worse. They grew up with that thought from what they were told. There are many times I had to correct people with the truth. Also, the myth about Black women are wild and hot sex..whores. It continues on..the perpertrators of this myth. I am half Black and Filipina...I am proud of both of my heritages. Yet, men find out and think they hit jackpot. Yes, I have been raped. But, it is sad that society to have these beliefs - not only is it about race, it is also about being a woman. Your quote in the end fits the situation.
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Rather if this happened to white women,and the NUM- NUTS who did it weren't white!!.