Are Black women more likely to be single?
Statistics show that compared with white women, black women are twice as likely to be single.
Have you met this woman? She has a good job, works hard, earns a good salary. She went to college, got her master’s degree; she is intelligent. She is personable, articulate, well read, interested in everybody and everything. Yet, she’s single… Black folks look up to her, and white folks know she is a force to be reckoned with. Yet … the men leave her alone… They [black women] have so much; what is it they lack Why is it they may be able to hook a man but can’t hold him?
- A public school administrator with the District of Columbia expresses the frustration and disappointment shared by many black women in the book: What's Love Got to Do With It?: Understanding and Healing the Rift Between Black Men and Women.
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National stats show that 42% of black women have never been married, compared to 21% of white women. Yes, it’s twice as much. But does this mean Black women are doomed to be single?
People have thrown around so many reasons in a bid to explain the above stats. The most sighted are: lack of good single black men; the black woman is too independent to need a man to take care of her; undercover gay black men; the list is endless… But does this really explain the above statistics? The above reasons only explain why black women don’t get married to black men.
While reflecting, this public administrator decides not to ask the question ‘What’s wrong with Black men’, but ‘What’s wrong with her and other black women’. She discovered that “the skills that make one successful in the church, community or workplace are not the skills that make one successful in a relationship… sometimes an achieving woman will place her boyfriend so low on her list of priorities that his interest wanes… she’s seldom “there” for him, for the preliminaries that might develop a commitment to a woman.” This administrator places the black women’s dating challenges on black women themselves.
In trying to explain why most black women are single, in our reasoning, we tend to forget all about interracial marriage. For once, let’s think outside the box. Do you believe black women are the least likely group to get married in the U.S.? Do you think the administrator is right – blaming the black woman for her being single?
261 responses to "Are Black women more likely to be single?"
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Ichibod says:Posted: 12 Aug 09
Greetings Godiva and 50-50, That's why I said it was hard for me to like that guy. I can't get into that kind of stuff either. And I agree, marriages/relationships are 100% from both sides. If you're only putting in 50%, where's the other 50% invested? By the way, nice of you to join us 50-50.
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godiva61 says:Posted: 12 Aug 09
bigeyes31, It feels so weird to call you "bigeyes". You do have big beautiful eyes, but I'd rather call you Natalie, if it's okay with you? You are a very wise, intelligent and perceptive young lady. Your response to the comment's pertaining to body part's was on point. Unfortunately some people, men and women have a tendency to focus on the physical body and not the body of the mind, and then they wonder they have had, at the least, mediocre relationships in the past?? This is one of those "no brainers" answer's. Again, I would ask, "what mentality are you, as an individual, is bringing to the table"? godiva
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godiva61 says:Posted: 12 Aug 09
The 50-50 Myth, First off, I thank God for your message today. Second, I am in agreement with your perspective and your attiude about "relationships". Who we are, what we believe, and most of all, what's in our heart's as individual men and women, is what we bring to the relationship table, before the relationship, during the relationship, and on the occassion, after the relationship has ended. I think the above mentioned attitudes, and behavior's toward relationships, are the products of the "disconnected family". The Family is no longer a priority, nor do we invest in our Families as we once did. I remember when my family member's, my community, echoed and adhered to certain behavior's and if we didn't we were held accountable from the entire family, this was not an option, but a MUST!!! Not just my family but the entire community.... My dad would often remind us that "when you walk out that door, you are representing your mother and me"!!! Today we have too many familie's who are represented poorly, and with no guidance or expectations. Now that we have this type of dysfunction in our homes, it's only fitting that we have now produced young men and women, who have no sound concept as to what a meaningful, healthy, and last but not least, and Godly relationship really is.... Bless you in all that you desire to do and to fulfill your destiny. May GOD bless you with the woman of HIS choice, she will be a very fortunate and blessed woman!!! And you as well!!! Rescue the Children Redeem the Family Recreate the Community One mind at a time, One heart at a time, One life at a time, One home at a time. godiva
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Member says:Posted: 12 Aug 09
bigeyes31 - I totally agree. I do think we've developed into a society where everyone is out to please themselves and doing things their way instead of the opposite way which GOD requires. People like to live in the flesh vs. the spirit and they fall what "feels" good at the time. I cringe when I hear people say I'm looking for someone to "make me happy". People that feel that way don't realize the level of responsibility they are placing on another human being. It's what children naturally do to their parents. When we mature we realize that happiness and joy are driven internally and that will reflect in our relationships. Escalademan - No I have not read the book “Blackman’s guide to Understanding the black women”. I have a hard time getting into those kinds of books. I find that these books never get to the root of the issue of "relating" which is we only really relate with ourselves as everything is a reflection of us and that we attract relationships that reflect where we are inside. This point of view is not popular because it places accountability with oneself rather than on the other person or outside circumstances. There is a saying - "You can't divorce yourself" - people make excuses, run from home, family, or jobs trying to escape the work required to improve themselves. I run my church men's ministry and the topic of love/dating comes up often. Interesting topic that never seems to go out of style. I personally believe that people don't truly want healthy whole relationships as most know what they should be doing, however their choices, thoughts, words, and attitudes reflect differently.
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bigeyes31 says:Posted: 12 Aug 09
The lack of responsibility and respect in relationships really doesn't have alot to do with whether a woman has a skinny body and a big ass or what a woman looks like period. By the way, the media didn't influence black men into liking big booties, that's been natural for them LONG before the media. The root of this selfishness that we see is just fulfilling what the bible said," in the latter days,men will become lovers of themselves instead of lovers of GOD". Of course the bible is referring to "mankind". Everyone is out to please themselves and doing things their way instead of the opposite way which GOD requires. I have seen women with the "body" that black men say they want, face and attitude and guess what...they still cheat, go to the strip clubs. A man uses,"aah man, she won't go to the gym" as a excuse to do what they already wanted to do in their hearts in the beginning. It begins with a lack of relationship with Christ.Serving him is a sacrifice because you have to now seek to do things his way and that is painful when YOU are your own god. You may think not wanting to go to gym and stay in shape is lazy,but I think the root cause of problems in relationships is spirutual laziness. Both can lead to death but the bible says spiritual death is the worse. Peace
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Escalademan says:Posted: 12 Aug 09
The below at the bottom is so true, Azrazyel. There are alot of black men, who want a black female or white female to take care of them. I have friends that think like this. I'll give you two examples. About 10 years ago, I had a chubby white female friend, that I was just friends with. She liked me alot, but I wasn't into her like that. Anyway, She was about to inherit a multimillion dollar private airline food processing business from her family. My friends found out and told me to get with her. I told them i'm going to make my own millions and I don't need a female for this. They all wanted to talk to her, and they didn't care what she looked like. They all wanted to live it up and have her buy them some new rims for their cars or taking them out places all the time. Pathetic but true, alot of men think like this. 9 Years ago, I was dating a resident doctor that was from Romania, making 50,000 a year. She was about to move up to Attending doctor and would start off making 225,000 a year, but she was moving to Atlanta Georgia and I was in NYC. She said she would take care of me, if I moved down there with her. This wasn't my style. But again all my friends said I was crazy for not doing that. Again I told them, I have my house up here with tenants. That wasn't my style. These friends I grew up with, was searching for a female like this. Very sad, but very true. Black men these days seem to want someone else to take care of them, while they sit in the house and play video games and goto strip clubs. This generation of men is really getting messed up. Living at home with your mama, isn't cool. Us black men are failing to have good credit, failing to be providers for our families, failing to keep a jobs, failing to do things the right way. But they can get good passing grades on getting over in life and using people. These children of these men, are being raised mostly by their mothers with poor roll model fathers. Us black men have serious problems and it doesn't seem like it is going to be fixed anytime soon. In my Book, in the future, all men have vasectomies when born and when they turn 18, they have to apply to have it reversed, similar to a credit application. Maybe something like this would make men get more serious as adults and do things the right way. Maybe, maybe not. Author: azrazyel Comment: berry_98: "Hi.I beleive that some black man dont wanted work so they go with white woman to take care of them that why most black womam are single because we dont wanted to have to take care of a grown man and some of them just wanted to sit around not doing noting. I am single for many years because i cannot find a good black man. thanks. on the 8/9/09"
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Escalademan says:Posted: 12 Aug 09
Hey, the 50-50 myth, have you ever read that book, "Blackman's guide to Understanding the black women?" I'm just curious, to hear your opinion on it, if you ever did. -------------------------------------------- Buffy, yeah men are picky these days. I think society brain washed us into thinking skinny women are in and big thick asses are in. Its amazing how women begin packing on the pounds between 25-32 years old. Many women have the attitude, that if they aren't overweight, they don't have to go to the gym. When they should be in a regular habit of going to the gym, even if they are small or skinny, so they could be in practice. I think there are so many break ups because of this, men want a big ass, and skinny body, so many cheat or goto a strip club to get just that, causing many relationships and marriages to fail.
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Buffy says:Posted: 12 Aug 09
Ok, my problem with black men is that THEY are become so damn picky these days. They want a skinny bw, or a thick ww...But also, i, like most bw on here, am very strong-minded and independent. I was raised by aunts who's husbands had died, left, we're abusive, alcoholics, etc etc. And my "papa was a rolling stone" (lol!) So all i kno is to have my education, work a good job , drive a nice car, and sit out on my patio in the evenings lookin over the lake, with a glass of champagne while reading a book. Do i date? Yes. I date ALL the time. I gess ive been dissapointed by the lack of get-up in so many men, im not risking giving my heart, and my pocketbook to a i date, and stop there.
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Member says:Posted: 11 Aug 09
Briefly reviewing all the posts - it looks like we're all stuck on ourselves and what we can get out of the relationship vs. what we can do Marriages and relationships fail or never start A 50/50 or (fairness) perspective will make it very difficult to demonstrate Christ-like love for your partner/husband/wife/family. The problem with 50/50 is that everyone's 50% seems bigger than the other persons. That's the power of the EGO. And with that - seeds of contempt, judgment and pride can take root. These things get in the way of true love, connection, acceptance, and relationship. Worldly circumstances like jobs, money, wealth, houses, etc can all be taken away; as evident with today's economic condition. When these things are taken away you're left with the true you. What's there? Do you have joy, humility, understanding, emotional and spiritual maturity? Christ got nothing out of loving us - pure selfless love. Isn't that what everyone wants? How many of us want to give that...or even truly deserve it. A relationship is about opening your heart and connecting with another person. Trying to connect only with your mind and/or worldly identifications will yield only surface compatibility at best and ultimate isolation even in a relationship. Bless everyone! BTW - I'm a black man. 32. Educated (PhD). Business Owner. Love black women. <-- These things don't define me. Just facts so you know Hope to meet and marry a beautiful black woman in the future.
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85kguy says:Posted: 11 Aug 09
Not that I'm interested Berry98 in any back and forth debating. But, the interracial scene is still a small slice of the scene. As I look at the men's comments on here the black men seem to be working men. So are the white men and the other men too. I feel safe saying that they are all working men. Talk with them. They seem to have the energy and motivation to talk to black women. Explain your regional problem and ask them for a solution. Each person's environment here is different. Where I am at there are a lot of southwestern US hispanics. That may not be the case where you reside. Tell them about your area and let people help you with a solution/alternative to some black men not working and dating white women so they won't have to work in your area. Ask them what you should do in your area.
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azrazyel says:Posted: 10 Aug 09
berry_98: "Hi.I beleive that some black man dont wanted work so they go with white woman to take care of them that why most black womam are single because we dont wanted to have to take care of a grown man and some of them just wanted to sit around not doing noting. I am single for many years because i cannot find a good black man. thanks. on the 8/9/09" Ummmmm....English please?
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berry_98 says:Posted: 09 Aug 09
Hi.I beleive that some black man dont wanted work so they go with white woman to take care of them that why most black womam are single because we dont wanted to have to take care of a grown man and some of them just wanted to sit around not doing noting. I am single for many years because i cannot find a good black man. thanks. on the 8/9/09
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ALadyAllDay says:Posted: 09 Aug 09
I agree with the ones who say that love is love no matter what color. I can only speak for my hometown and the Black women I know in Las Vegas, but here's what I keep hearing from my single Black female associates: I'm not going to settle for anything less from a BLACK man. You see the key word here: BLACK. Any woman who complains about not meeting the right man shoud look outside of their comfort zone and starting men of other races. Instead of putting race as a requirement, it should be taken off. Once these single Black women do that one simple thing, there would be less single Black women. Shoot, this really applies to EVERYBODY who is not willing to step outside their comfort zone. You don't have to lower your standards, just broaden your search of available men. Chances are the so-called "Plight of the single Black woman looking for a good man" will cease to exist.
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shondra says:Posted: 08 Aug 09
In general, I find it sad that there needs to be blame in the first place. Why is this happening, why isn't it? Each of our situations is different and each of us are different. I am not going to down black men or women or anyone. I find in my area that single people are focused on materialism and etc. I don't fit that mold. There also is a black woman who is portrayed everywhere as this dramatic, neck-shaking, b*tch. That is not me either. It is so sad we are portrayed this way. I personally have found that black men do not know what to make of me. I love the outdoors, classic cars and I am kind. I am chill, mature and trying to ensure my future is economically secure. I would always prefer to spend time with a black man, but I am keeping my options open, because I just don't feel appreciated. If I am single and remain single, that is fine. I am going to enjoy this life and ride it til the wheels fall off. Marriage or no. Black man or a man period.
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calmheart says:Posted: 07 Aug 09
Hi World citizen,Renee,Looking4life,Godiva and all others. Thanks so much for your kind words and expressions .I found your comments refreshing and endearing.We are as Dr martin luther king said "caught in a network of mutuality"The illusion that we are all separate.Is part of the conditions that lead to the vicious cycle, namely us/ them.The thinking that we can disenfranchise others with out it affecting us on some level,Our thoughts deeds and actions have a direct impact on our life.I hope that I dont sound preachy its just that after years of stumbling around in darkness Ive finally discovered the obvious[its not a secret]that we have the power to impact our surroundings and in doing so we are empowered in all areas of our life.Including love.That what we all want ,at the end of our days ;after all has been said and done our paths brings everyone of us back to the same question.Was I loved..and did I give love.For those of you who are like me and cant wait....I choose to love now. With great love always. Calmheart
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Austrian says:Posted: 07 Aug 09
Derek880 and Ichibod, I love your SENSITIVITY and DECENCY. You set an example, why it is worth while for women, to wait for the 'RIGHT ONE'- he does actually exist. You two expressed everything I recently was told by my son and his friends (all being bicultural) in Miami Beach. They work with the most attractive women daily, like to look at them, but their girl friends and wives are chosen for totally different values. I have mentioned it so often, most of us are shaped by our back grounds - including both positive and negative. Your parents did an excellent job, raising you - and we know it took a lot of effort, setting a good role model. Godiva61's and your family descriptions should open women's and men's eyes!
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godiva61 says:Posted: 07 Aug 09
Ichibod, Have I told you lately, that I love YOU! I know that these are Rod Stewart's word's, but I can't but help to echo these word's!! You will make a Great Husband and Father one day!!! World Citizen, you are my Sister and my Friend, for life!!! Calmheart, your heart is full and peaceful, thanks! godiva
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Ichibod says:Posted: 07 Aug 09
Derek880 You just said everything that I haven't said, yet. And some of the things I have said, you said them better that I've said them. "But my manhood was also shaped by the negative role models that I saw in the streets. From them I learned how not to behave." I find it rediculous how so many young men feel that they have to act according to the one they see in the streets, on TV, or hear it in music. How about seeing the beatings, the arrests, and the deaths and saying, "Why do I want to be a part of that"? Tupac was the same. As a kid, he hung with the thugs, pimps, and drug dealers and they all taught him NOT to do what they were doing. "And I realize that there is a Creator and that I am a very small insignificant part in this world. I try to keep everything in a proper perspective." That's why it becomes so hard for me to read some of these comments. It's almost scary to know how many people just don't know Him. Proper perspective. Very true. Take care, brother!
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Derek880 says:Posted: 07 Aug 09
I'm not a perfect man, but I believe that I'm a good man. Why? Because I was raised by a good mother. I was raised in a family full of women, (my mother, my grandmother, aunts, etc.). My mother never once in my life said a negative thing about my father. Or at least nothing that me and my brother and sisters could here. My uncle was the positive role model in my life. From him I learned how to be a good father. But my manhood was also shaped by the negative role models that I saw in the streets. From them I learned how not to behave. To me, my mother is a Queen. Because she handled poverty with such grace, that we never felt that underprivileged. Women of her age knew how to be women. So when I hear Black women of today talk about how hard they have it, and how they are "queens", it makes me wince. Not because I have anything against Black women, but because these women come from a standpoint where their own individuality comes before the concept of family. This wasn't always the case with Black women, and is really something that has happened over the last 20 years or so. The constant need to affirm that they are strong has become a little ridiculous. No other race of women find it necessary to vocalize their strength so much. (When's the last time anyone heard a Hispanic or white female say that she was strong?) I don't want to generalize, but a lot of Black women want to be treated like queens without having to treat their men like kings. This doesn't balance out, and creates a relationship that can't be sustained. For the last 20 years we have heard about how brothers need to step up. It's time to hold our women to the same standard. I know of too many men who are denied access to their children because some of our women are treating them like pawns in a game. I can't even count the number of brothers who have told me how their wives or girlfriends said to them, "You're not a man." What kind of queen does such a thing? I'm sorry, this may not be a popular opinion but I think the sisters have no one to blame but themselves for their current situation. Sure Black women have lots of options, but so do Black men now, and what is happening is that the men are exercising them. For the record, not all Black men need a sister to reach "down" to them. I'm not a wealthy Black man. But I'm a good father, and a good man, because I work on enriching my mind and spirit everyday. And I realize that there is a Creator and that I am a very small insignificant part in this world. I try to keep everything in a proper perspective. No one will ever reach down to me. To me, my level is never lower than anyone else's, no matter their social or financial status.
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godiva61 says:Posted: 07 Aug 09
looking4life, Great Post! We all get the hand that was dealt to us, sometimes we win, sometimes it doesn't work out but life goes on just the same, or at least it should. I know men, women, white, and black who has been victimized by the "justice system" and if you are black, you are even more vulnerable within the halls of justice. However I agree with you about using negative, stereotyping, inflammable remarks about a SPECIFIC group in order for a person to defend his or her preference for who they choose to date... My question to the people who indulge in this type of behavior and mentality is this, if these EXES were so horrible and or traumatic in your life, and they are no longer physically in your life, then why do you still carry their garbage around with you???? You might as well still be with them!! I think SOME people rather carry the nonsense around, rather than deal with the ENTIRE truth, and be honest about THEMSELVES and the actions that they could have taking prior to, during, and after the relationship(s) that they chose to be involved with..I'm not trying to minimize anyone's pain here, we've all been there, but at some point your committment to being a better you and looking forward to the very BEST that the future hold's for you, should take precedence over the pain and dissappointment's of the past and I think the best revenge is to live WELL and not BITTER! I think that a lot of men would be better off in life, and women as well, if they would do a "makeover" with their mindset and mentality. Speak VICTORY over your life, rather than speaking as a VICTIM!!! godiva
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renee24 says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
calmheart you right in all your comments I hadn't even begun to think of health as an issue. Thanks!
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Austrian says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
Dear Calmheart, deep thanks to you for educating us on the shocking facts you described. You are a true GENTLE man. "The Mythology Of Race" will be worth reading. Best wishes!
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Calmheart says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
Hi All There is a bigger picture here,please let me share.The statistics of health related issues that primarialy affect woman of color are staggering!.Of the 200,000 case of triple breast cancer 30% affect woman of color.Many years ago Deepak Chopra made the mind body connection between the rising cases of breast cancer in the world and The hatred or dissatisfaction woman have about their breast,as one factor.I will list the three primary factors that contribute to the high cases of this rare from of breast cancer.1.Hatred by society or the perception of hatred, based upon skin color.The subconscious mind doesnt know the difference between the Imagine hatred and real hatred,as seen by the inproportionate amounts of single woman of color. perhaps in simplier terms what is the opposite of a blessing?that is the vibrational frequency released upon our sister.2.If you dont feel love by society[whether real or perceived} ,how easy is it to love yourself love your body and give it the nurture and care it needs.3. Being a woman alone places you in a position to have to prove yourself in a mans world and places you at risk for breast cancer. I have done extensive research and studies and further information will be available in my book "The Mythology Of Race" available November 2009. Please join me in sending out healing light to all our sisters especially those who need it the most. much love to all calmheart.
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renee24 says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO ALL BLACK WOMEN some women aren't willing to work with their men, a lot feel why should they? I have even heard some women say "I'm not a babysitter and I'm not your mama" Everyone needs encouragement maybe that's why black men date outside their race. EXAMPLE So what if you meet a man who has had a bad past been in jail or has back child support. He is now willing to change he's going to school because he just doesn't want to settle for that high school education and he is working (holding down a steady job), and being the best father he can be. But the women doesn't want him because he doesn't have the car, job, finances that she would like him to have. So instead of seeing what he can become she passes him up and years later he's very successful and has everything she every wanted but he's not with her. I WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANKS TO THE WOMEN WHO ARE BUILDING UP THEIR MEN REGARDLESS OF RACE!
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bigeyes31 says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
looking4life I'm certainly glad you shared that. You are a personal example of how NOT to put down one race of women in favor of dating or being attracted to another. The fact that you are a white man laying to rest all the conscious or subconscious beliefs that "all my relationship problems will be over if I switch races" is refreshing. Peace
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renee24 says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
Some women (not all) have low self worth and think they can't do any better so they go and get the guy off the street which ends in being single once again. And well others may have such high standards they make it impossible for any man. djstime "Hatered from their African American Male counter parts?" Yes I can agree, I heard and seen comments that we have been trained to be divided.
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djstime says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
Ok so why "Are Black women more likely to be single?" again?... Bad Choices? Attitude? Situation? Hatered from their African American Male counter parts? ???????
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renee24 says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
Looking4life I've had experience with the courts,so I know where your coming from. Women do not always have favor either it can be exhausting going back and forth the arguments the bills and the kids are caught in the middle. Like you said someone has to be the adult. I am well aware that the experiences I've had with black men doesn't mean I will run into some of the same problems with any man black, white, ect. I think Escalademan has to get over some pain and then maybe his views will change.
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looking4life says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
escalademan with your last post you are really blowing smoke with your last post. those revelations you stated are nothing new nor are they color specific. i dont even believe they are gender specific guys get angry and vengeful as well. the good news is that i have been in your buddys shoes been through the games and if he is persistent as i was in the end her games will bite her on the butt and possibly he will end up with custody as i did. someone has to be the adult and look at the best interest of the child or children and getting into a peeing contest with her aint it.eventually the courts will see who has the childrens best interest at heart. we all get our feelings hurt, we all get angry but the children do not deserve to be put in the middle. i believe that quite often it is the games between the adults that keep the children apart from the other parent because they feel they are forced to choose or one parent feels forced out and THE CHILDREN PAY WHEN IT IS NOT THEIR doesnt matter who started or ended it, all that matters is who wants to be the adult. i been through the non-payment accusations, beating the kids accusations and the "doesnt know how to carefor the children" accusations and not only do they pile up but hit like a hammer when proven wrong in court and all her games are now transparent. your buddy needs to stay the course stay strong be a man AND HE AND THE CHILDREN WILL WIN IN THE END. i know often it is harder to be a man and do nothing in retaliation but being a man isnt always easy and color in this respect is irrelevent. i have read many great posts from many great people but this kind of negativity pigeon holing any specific group even if you write "this is only my experience "has got to stop. you dont need to defend your preference anymore than i do and negative remarks like these to defend your preference irresponsible and disrespectful and helps no-one achieve their goal of finding that great man or woman that we are all seeking. you have the right to voice your opinion and be heard but you have the responsibility to do it wisely.
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Austrian says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
Dearest LADIES and 'GENTLE' - MEN of ANY SHADE, Dear educated hearts and sensitive souls, Many of the recent comments were full of positive thinking, although not all of your experiences were of good nature. Nevertheless, you chose to continue your lives with hope for the better. It is obvious, that all of us are very much influenced by our past. Most likely, having grown in the womb of a specific mother, followed by the dramatic birth experience, may have had great impact on us right from the start. And then there are our genes. Why are we so different from our siblings, having the same parents?! We are INDIVIDUALS. My compassion and understanding for BLACK WOMEN in the U.S. is extraordinary, when I compare their struggle with women from other back grounds. The same compassion and understanding stands for BLACK MEN in the U.S. They need LIBERATION. Lovely Godiva, your wonderful family description is very much what most women and men long for. I am afraid, PRESENT TIMES make it even more difficult to succeed. I see people, not motivated to REALLY INVEST into a relationship, less TRULY RELIGIOUS, more MATERIALISTIC, HARDLY SPIRITUAL, more EGOTISTIC. In our (white) society, men are even more pressured to be STONG and SUCCESSFUL - also SEXUALLY. GENTLENESS and EMOTIONS are looked down on, although many women appreciate these in a fulfilling relationship. Many BLACKS fooled White folks, behaving the way it was expected of them, SUB SERVANT - in order to survive. Many women in most cultures also behaved for survival. Men have been fooled by women historically and it may be a shock to some men, finding out that a woman is actually also a HUMAN BEING, who deserves the SAME RESPECT. I have seen wonderful, respectful relationships between BLACKS, however, if feelings are deeply injured by the same culture, why not get healing from 'outside' - it really has proven to be successful. Other cultures have similar problems, by the way. As prejudice as it may sound - social and educational levels have an important impact on a good start of a successful relationship, as these build a better foundation than 'great sex', which may become 'just good' after years! Go for interracial, intercultural relationships, while loving your sisters and brothers - not closing them out! Ichibod, I am sure you'll succeed with your openness!
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bigeyes31 says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
godiva61 Hello. I hope you are doing great! Thanks for understanding what I was saying. Thank you so very much for saying such nice things about me. I respect everyone's right to express their thoughts and experiences even if I disagree. I believe in really examining my choice of words when I communicate with people. This has taken a long process and lots of practice! Believe me I have come a long way,especially after being told all my life my mouth was going to get me in trouble!lol. How beautifully you shared your experiences with your husband. You spoke of connections that were so deep that they could only come from experience, understanding and love. There is nothing like a man and a woman in a partnership, nothing like having someone who through your faults and imperfections..."gets you". I don't mind easing into my role for a man like that. Peace and rest to you
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renee24 says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
It's sad that people have to play games instead of just being real. have fun and I Hope it works out. Goodnite
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Escalademan says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
I never had these problems with white women. I know all women aren't like this, but I can only go by my history and what I Went through. After all of this, ask your self whats the point? What works and doesn't work. I did talk to these women before hand, there is only so much you can learn before hand. Everyone eventually changes. Plus I was in my 20's then. I went to Moscow Russia in 2003, and It was a very interesting experience. I was treated like a basketball star when I went there. I was in a city like New york, and I was the only black man walking around there. I learned alot over there.
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renee24 says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
Escalademan Have you tried talking to these women first before getting into a relationship? Do you ever wonder what attracts these women? And don't forget physco bitch can come in any color.
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Escalademan says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
Ichibod it didn't hurt me growing up when I was younger (8 years old at the time), because I didn't know about it until a few years ago, when my younger sister told me about it. My mother said it, i guess because of the negativity surrounding black men. Look what happened? My sister had two divorces with black men and gave up on dating. My older sister had a 20 year marriage with a white guy and it's still going strong. My older brother has been married 4 times and constantly screwed over by black women. One of his wives was getting child support payments and because he was with a new female, she wanted revenge on him. She told the Georgia courts, that she wasn't getting any money from him, and they threw him in jail for it, right away. Even after showing the receipts. The court system is for females in Atlanta. I've had nothing but bad luck with black women. From my physco X, to my cheating X's. My phsyco X, I had to tell her every month, that I would beat my kids like joe Jackson, just so that she wouldn't want to have any kids with me. It worked......... I even did a little acting and showed which belt i would use to beat my child with. She said, "I'm never having any kids with you." I loved those words. I think that saved me $500-1000 a month right now. My younger brother gave me the book "Black man's guide to understanding the black women" That book explained so much to me. It explained all my x's and why they did what they did. It explained why the black men didn't protect black women from the slavery times. It goes into different classes of black women. It even explained how a black man could never win an argument with a black women, because she would save 1 megabyte of information in her brain specifically for retaining information on stuff the man did. The information would be so clear and specific, in details (the clothes a man was wearing 7 years ago on a specific date, type of details). Anyone ever tried to win an argument with an black women? I tried a few times and it went on for hours. A white female wouldn't even want to argue that long (the ones i ran into). This same Physco X, when I was living in my family's old 4 bedroom apartment, 10 years ago living rent free. I was trying to save my money to buy a co op or an house, since I had the opportunity. Me and my brother rented out the other two rooms to pay for the rent for the entire place. This X, said I wasn't a real man, because i lived with other people, i should get my own 1 bedroom, and not live with other people like a real man should. I couldn't believe this was her thinking. That is like going backwards in life. Why should i pay rent, and I could save to own something? Our logic wasn't on the same level. Hard working and working two jobs to get ahead wasn't on her mind. What was on her mind was when she was going to get married, and how many babies she was going to have. She didn't even want to go back to school, since she had her associates degree. She wasn't trying to move in my direction. Then I had the problem of her going through all my things in my room place. looking for shit. I never had one white female look through any of my things. Maybe its just me, but there is a difference between black and white. Then another black X, didn't want to try skiing, didn't want to try snorkeling in the ocean in the Bahamas, didn't want to try any different. No open mindedness. Then this x said she would only date a man if she had a car, and all her friends thought like this. Then she wanted to always get over on the tip or try to get something for free. I know all black women aren't like this, but I just had the bad luck to meet these bad apples. One black female i dated, she turned out to be an escort and flipped out on me, after she treated me to dinner one time. She wanted her money back for the dinner she spent, or she was going to go to the police and said I raped her. Then I asked her, what are you a escort or hooker? She said yes. What could i do in this situation? Kick her out, then have to hire a lawyer to fight a fake rape case? I can't take all that drama, too much for me. I tried to give the sisters a chance, but it just wasn't for me. Too many bad situations and drama, and different types of thinking.
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godiva61 says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
Ichibod, Amen! Amen! Amen! As alway's, good to see you! Marriage is already a joint union between a Man and a Woman, the rules don't need to change!!!!!! People should change the way they enter into marriage and choose thier mates wisely. I've seen people that spend more quality time in choosing a vehicle than they do a possible mate. love godiva
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Ichibod says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
I really want to like this Escalademan guy, but it's really hard for me. Much respect to his success (and ofcourse being black on top of that), but his dating history and especially what his mom told his sisters saddens me? I can't believe that didn't hurt him to hear that or negatively impact him and his progression into manhood. I would imagine a parent would teach their child morals and how to find decent people to hang with better than telling a child to stay away from another race, especially their own. I have black male friends, and I DON'T have black male friends. The black male friends I DO have have jobs, careers, children, families, and common sense. The black male friends I DON'T have, or had to quickly cut ties with or distanced myself from, couldn't keep jobs, weren't thinking of careers (that wouldn't land them in prison), probably had children (probabaly didn't), and couldn't wear fitting clothes or dress formally to save their lives. I see women that I wouldn't dare bring home to my mother all over the place. I don't have to date them to know that they are no match for me. My ex-fiance was black and I can't say I had bad luck with her. It ended after 5 years, but I am so happy to have gotten to know her and for her to have gotten to know me in that way. I believe it was because of what I set out to look for in woman, rather than just realize that I was a man and she was a woman, perfect fit. However it ended for a lot of different reasons. There are wolves in sheeps clothing, but for the most part it's not to difficult to spot the rotten or rotting tomatoes. Also, I hope everyone knows that this B.M.S is quite an accurate assessment, but effects all races, and not even amongst blacks so much. Couples that out grow one another probably should have been friends first before sleeping with one another or considering marriage. Good post to say the least.
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Ichibod says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
Great points, Neferti! I would expound on the first part of your post, me being a black male and all, but I'm eating right now. I'll get to it later. Take care, Sis!
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Escalademan says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
I renee24, i tried to reach out to my friends, who are black on how to buy a house, how you have to fix your credit, how to go by the rules. How to get an 60,000 truck on your own without a co-signer. Everyone wants to get over, cut corners and do things their way. I tried to help my friends on countless occasions and they just want things easy, and don't want to work hard. Then I had a problem with some of my black friends hating on me, because i'm doing better than them. Not just friends, my family too (cousins and all), it is all connected. This is why i don't have many black male friends now. Very sad, but true. I'm sure many successful black men, could understand what i'm saying, where you have to leave or stay away from people you grew up with, because they are on another level. Black men are going on a downward spiral, its really sad but it's true. You women out here having to date downwards. Then they have to deal with all these cheating and men going to strip clubs at night, trying to get take home. All those problems black women have to deal with. My mother used to tell my older sisters to look for a white man when I was very young. My older sister married a white guy and was married for 20 years. My younger sister married two black men, and suffered nothing but divorces. Not saying this is true in all cases, but there was a difference in the marriages, that was obvious. One thing i would do to help the community. If I make money off of this Sci-fi, action, adventure, romance trilogy i have coming out. I will love to help young black men, who are wrongfully accused of a crime. I think this is so important. I've been stopped so many times and almost caught up in the system for the B.S. when I was younger. Wrong place wrong time is very bad, and could affect a young person's entire career and future. I would hear these people's cases and if they can prove they are innocent, or if it looks like the case is suspicious I would dispatch my attorney to give free assistance to this person caught up in the system. I think that will be the best help, to help someone. I would also give some speeches in High Schools every now and then. I would hate to see how this self hate on black people make us turn out 50 years from now. I think we are going to be in very bad shape then.
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renee24 says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
bigeyes I understand what your saying I'm a parent and I find that it is very difficult raising a child on your own, yes I too have had to play daddy and to a little boy its not easy. There are somethings a man can do for male children that women can't. I thank God for my brother! I have to be at work at 5am and we all know school don't open until 8, as a single parent it's hard just to find a babysitter or before/after school program that work around your job hours. Sometimes we single parents work hard and are use to doing everything ourselves that we fell like we can't depend on any one cause they will let us down. I think black women as well as black men have had so much disappointment. But whats amazing is when that person decides to change they can step aside and say "baby I'm tired of doing this by myself, I don't always want to be in control, LETS DO THIS TOGETHER, I SUPPORT YOU". Escalademan Your an example that not all men are in prison or are uneducated have you thought of teaching young black men how to be businessmen? Cause we need that. freewill I absolutely agree! I hope you all find love no matter what color it comes in
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godiva61 says:Posted: 06 Aug 09
bigeyes31, Haven't said "hello" to you in a while, hello and hope all is well with you and your's. You are so kindhearted, honest and fair. You are very respectful and tactful when making your comments. I like that in a woman!! It's ironic that on today,(thinking a lot today about my late husband) you mentioned how a few men are not sure of their "role" as men and how you want to someday be able to sit back and just fulfill your role as the woman. I am in agreement with you sister. I have always believed, and saw as a child growing up in my home and in my village so to speak, MEN being the Head of the Household. Now some women will probably take this as to me being a doormat, or a pushover of some sort, and that's fine, I'm okay with that as well, but it seems to me that in some part of history, as far as marriages were concerned, especially with black marriages, it really worked, and worked very well and mine was no exception to the rule.. My father was the head of our household, his father before him, and the majority of the neighborhood operated, and thrived under this type of environment. A woman should want and appreciate a strong Man. If he's srtong, confident, reliable and decent, he is strong, at least in my opinion. My late husband, was the Head, and I was the SUPPORT, and sometimes in his absence I had to take charge of any given situation. One of the best compliments he ever gave me was, "when I'm not around, I know my home and my beliefs will not be compromised or disrespected"!!! He never walked ahead of me, we walked together side by side... He respected me at all times, even when the few times that he was a little mad at me, especially when I spent too much money one particular Christmas on gift's. I never had to worry about if the bills were paid, or other women. I knew without any doubt, that he new his ROLE as a husband and a father, he was committed to his responsibilities and his role as Head of the House,no he was not perfect and neither am I!! He was not a WHINER,or COMPLAINER. He didn't care or focus on how the world viewed him as a black man, he showed the world that their view was somewhat distorted by his actions and especially his WORD'S... It can work but women have to first choose their mates wisely and in my opinion, prayerfully. We, women must let MEN be MEN, even when they mess up. So what if he watches Monday Night Football, or March Madness. If and when he tries to cook a meal and mess it up big time, it's not the end of the world. Laugh about it, clean the kitchen(my pet peeve) order chinese, and then make passionate love!! Like you said earlier, the key is the RELATIONSHIP, and that means work on both parts. Love is not enough, you have to work at it. We do what we have to do in order to keep a job and keep that paycheck rolling in, but we neglect our realtionships and then wonder why they fall apart... You can't go the bank to withdraw money if you have made no deposits!! You're absolutely right, both Men and Women have fallen short!! Instead of pointing finger's, take responsibility for the role you played or didn't play in your failed relationship!! And enough with the bitterness, HUGE TURNOFF!!! love to all godiva
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godiva61 says:Posted: 05 Aug 09
FreeWill, Thank you so much for sharing a little bit of your life and experiences... Your word's were very poignant, honest, and well balanced enough so that both men and women can identify with. Too often, you hear more cynical and judmental word's, rather than uplifting thoughts. Thanks again, and GOD bless!!! godiva
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Escalademan says:Posted: 05 Aug 09
As a writer, I see the cycle of relationships have to change in the future. This "B.M.S" I call it in my book, Baby Magnet Syndrome; is when the mother stays attached to the male, because she has children, and the man is able to do whatever he wants, because the female isn't going anywhere. Some men take full advantage of this, by striping the female of talking to friends or family and mentally/physically abusing her. These men goto strip clubs, cheat on the female with other women and treat the female anyway they feel and most of the time the female stays, because of the children they have together. Men knowing they have it good, continue to do what they please and the females suffer for years, because they don't want to lose the man or they can't make it on their own. I see this happening everywhere these days. The females I chatted with over the years online, told me their horror stories. I think women these days should wait until they are in their late 30's before having children. Divorce rate is 50% within the first 5 years. Couples usually out grow each other in some way from their 20's-30's. A man and women should be together for at least 10 years before deciding on having children, to feel each other out and to see if the other person is going to grow with the other. Marriage rules need to be updated also, marriages date back to 0 BC or before. There should be something else that is less than marriage, that is similar to what gay people are fighting for, which is called a joint union. Another thing, I think black men are really suffering these days. We are the first to be laid off last to be hired. But we still have to pay child support. How can we get back on our feet, if child support is taking all of our unemployment insurance? There should be something in the system where child support stops, until the man finds a job. Or something should be worked out. And you women need to stop living off of child support, and getting your hair done and paying your car payment with the x-husbands child support payments and the children are looking like bums.
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FreeWill says:Posted: 05 Aug 09
In lieu of pontificating in perpetuity about the answer to this question, I would like to share some simple thoughts and personal experiences. I was born in the US to Foreign Nationals parents. I have lived in the States for most of my life but was fortunate enough to reside in four different countries during my formative years. My mother was widowed when I was thirteen months old and remarried when a few years later. From what I have seen every race, culture and person has there own set of individual and shared issues. And after being of age to understand this I inquired about the memories of my father. My mother was the Crown he wore on his head till the day he died. My mother’s new husband, long story short was unworthy. My mother is currently single. I’ve had wonderfully experiences dating in and outside of my race, culture and social status. And being a man is hard, being a bad man is hard work, being a good man is a commitment to God. The African American Woman institutionalized the “Independent Mindset” to both greatness and failure. One thing we must not forget is that the African American Man greatly contributed to this pandemic. The African American Woman works hard, play’s hard, love’s hard and achieves greatness but seldom have I seen one that focuses on the true “Independent Partnership”. And NO!!!, this is not an oxymoron, as when two individuals decide to be join as one according to whatever beliefs you have even if its in absentia. You don’t have to lower you standards to get a good man, but you do have to use good sense in picking one and make sure the life choices you make can support this. Incessant indications that you can do everything by yourself are turn off’s and one good turn always deserves another. Because there is nothing that I can’t do for myself but there are times I would rather have my partner do it. Please believe it goes both ways. Believe it or not, men of all races have standards and if you are looking for good man those standards just went up. So in closing if you want the answer to this question AND you are a black single woman, you should look inward first then meditate, before you seek advice from others to why you are single.
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bigeyes31 says:Posted: 05 Aug 09
Escalademan I'm happy that you have found what works for you! I encourage everyone and anyone to find what makes them happy. Perhaps some black women don't know their role in relationships is because they have had to play so many. They have had to be the father, mother, the friend, wife,activist, watch her weight, make sure she doesn't have too much attitude, work several jobs, make sure her children are not being bullied or peer-pressure at school and wear high heels , make-up and skinny jeans all while still being told that she is not wanted by any race of man. I want to find happiness just as you have with what works for me too. I'm hoping to find that in a sexy latin man(lol). I just happen to be attracted to white and hispanic men physically. But I still want a man who will know his role as a man but will fulfill it too, so that I can relax and fulfill mine. I think alot of black men,not ALL of them KNOW their role but don't fulfill it but still expect to be honored by the woman. It simply doesn't work that way. Relationships are a two-way street and men AND women both have fallen short. Peace
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djstime says:Posted: 05 Aug 09
Escalademan, The interesting point you make, is that you as well as most of the brothers here, (as far as I can tell) have tried and failed several times with African American women. That failure is and always seems to come back to the fact of who is suppose to play what role in the relationship…it’s like the vicious cycle that I mentioned earlier…the teamwork aspect in the failing African American relationships is all thrown out the window…and as you said why would you continue to go with something that doesn’t work…I wouldn’t… But… I do have to say that I would be happy and proud with a good/fine woman of any color on my arm…as long as we were both happy and down for each other… Djstime…
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Escalademan says:Posted: 05 Aug 09
I've read a few post on here. I'm a successful black male, with his own property and business. I've had nothing but bad luck dating black women over the past 15 years. I've dated white women and i've had a different experience. I can be friends with a black female, but not have any type of relationship with them. Very sad, but true. The ones I met, I just didn't get along with them mentally and didn't have alot in common. I also had other problems. Then I read the book "The Blackman's guide to understanding the blackwoman" by Shahrazad Ali (available at amazon). That book opened my mind to all the problems i've seen in my relationship and other male friend's relationships with black women. One of the problems is many black women don't know their role in a relationship. But those other problems we can talk about another time. After that I decided to stick with, what works. I've gotten over the evil look, black women give, when i'm walking with a good looking white female. I think some men let that bother them, but not me. I smile considering all i've been through over the years with black women.
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Neferti says:Posted: 05 Aug 09
I have discovered that most successful, educated black men tend to date and become partnered outside of their race. Sometimes the women, who generally happen to be white or Asian, are less educated and less professionally accomplished. This is now however seen as very socially acceptable and sexually tolerable. White women have given black men permission, and for black men, it subliminally viewed as a "step up" in society. For black women however, it is not so easy. All that is left in terms of available black men might be the ex-cons, or the undereducated. Most white men are hesitant because what lies for them is, in America, socially the reverse as in the case of black men - pairing with a black woman is a "step down" in society, it is not seen as being sexually compatible, and neither black women, nor black men have "given permission" for this to happen.
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Azrazyel says:Posted: 05 Aug 09
Rheah59: Some of the realest words I have seen in here in a long time. It's refreshing for a change to see someone come in peace and try to validate the truth or deny what is false. (Only we know what is true and false within ones own mind and heart.) People can only assume things off of typed words on a computer screen. You are right, no one in here knows anyone better but themselves. I personally would like to see everyone come to terms, regardless of race or gender. And treat everyone with respect and dignity just like everyone here wants to be treated that way as well. As a White man, it is sickening to see Black men and women continually scorning one another. Let's try and respect one another whilst having a constructive argument without the need of derogatory statements and assumptions. I seek peace and harmony for all of you, and that one day we will look back and realize all the foolishness we have put one another through. -May peace be upon you all
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godiva - thank you for your kind words. I'm holding everyone in my prayers.