A Pimp's Secrets of Mind Manipulation - Part 2 {AUDIO}
Joining us for the second part of the Pimp's Secrets of Mind Manipulation is Mickey Royal is a former gangster, drug dealer, pimp, and mob enforcer, someone who not only survived under what mainstream society would consider the epitome of wrong circumstances but he also thrived. {This is part two of a two-part episode. If you missed Part 1, CLICK HERE to listen to the audio.]
Mickey Royal is also a bestselling author of "The Pimp Game: Instructional Guide" and "The Pimp Guide: Secrets of Mind Manipulation".
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Listen, learn, and enjoy as we continue our discussion on what it’s like to carry the burden of manipulating the lives of others who could have lived much more functional, fulfilling lives had they only never met you and much more...
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