Ovulation could be the reason your interracial crush flee
If you are a guy who is into a chick outside your race, then you better know her fertility cycle well. Problem is: unless a chick volunteers this information herself, its next to impossible to have this info at the palm of your hands. You may be wondering how all this is tied to interracial dating.
Well, according to some study by psychology professors at Michigan State University, women tend to fear and avoid men from different racial backgrounds than them when ovulating. This finding is quite contrary to the common knowledge that women want men more during ovulation.
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“The researchers, who specialize in evolutionary psychology, speculate that this pattern could be an anthropologically hardwired way to ward off marauding males who attacked groups of humans throughout history. One way to protect a village was to defend women from sexual coercion by an outsider. The researchers speculate that some modern women may unknowingly still carry this reflex.”
But this finding didn’t apply to women who grew up in diverse cultural and racial environments. This fear was more apparent in ovulating women who were raised to perceive men of other ethnicities as a threat.
So if you are into a chick from a different race and she gives you a cold shoulder or rejects you at first, might be a good idea to try again after like 3 to 4 days. Who knows…
2 responses to "Ovulation could be the reason your interracial crush flee"
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SugahRush says:Posted: 11 Oct 11
This article and the study to which it refers are summarized in the following: "... Women tend to fear and avoid men from different racial backgrounds than them when ovulating. " You’re saying that… Women/Female Humans/Sisters/ Mothers/ Daughters/Girlfriends/Aunts/Grandmothers/ Spawn of Adam’s Ribs, etc, become Racist Misandrists because of cyclical hormone fluctuations? REALLY, YA’LL? Then there’s the admonition of the article Poster (or Poster Child), James: … “If you are a guy who is into a chick outside your race, then you better know her fertility cycle well. Problem is: unless a chick volunteers this information herself, it’s next to impossible to have this info at the palm of your hands…” (Quote) People, we’re running out of places to cast blame for our own sloppiness. Couldn’t be that a woman (regardless of race) is disinterested or already committed? Could it be that she’s just not ready? Could it be that she has exercised her option to back off and review or maybe she wants something more--or less--casual? Maybe she’s wisely reconsidering what she has to offer—and what she wants to receive? Could it time constraints-she’s busy with work, school, and family/children/care of parents/siblings and has limited time? Could it be that she responds to a more refined approach? Maybe she doesn’t want to be referred to as “A CHICK OUTSIDE YOUR RACE”…preferring instead, “Excuse me, Miss….Hello, my name is…” No always means NO. But the persistent, courageous man/woman knows that there’s always a tomorrow but unless you’ve been warned against it, ask again later. So, what have we learned class? • Studying isn’t a prerequisite for a study. • The expanse of ignorance is ever-increasing. • The optimum function of a head is to house a brain; however, not all brains function optimally. • The late Barbara Billingsley, in Airplane summed it up best…“Jive-a$$ dude ain’t got no brains anyhow.”
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This sounds pretty silly to me and I love science and research studies. Maybe living in NYC with such a large mix of people made a difference for me, but I don't flee from any specific race. If someone is open to interracial dating they are regardless and if they aren't, I doubt it's because of ovulation.